Thoughts Become Reality: The Power of Belief

Thoughts Become Reality: The Power of Belief

When I was in 10th grade, our chemistry teacher always advised us, ‘think you are the gorgeous and you will automatically look gorgeous. Think that nothing is impossible, and you can do everything. Once you think and believe like that, then you will be able to do everything’.

Every day after hearing these words we act on it but with the time passage we leave the process because we are confused about the concept of thoughts, we don’t know how to think positive in complex situation.

But now in this blog we are going to clear the confusion, all of the people who are confused like us, that how our thoughts are converted into reality.

Famous English philosophers and writers wrote different quote and concepts about thoughts, like

Norman Vincent Peale wrote

“Change your thoughts and you change your world.”

Buddha wrote that

 “We are shaped by our thoughts; we become what we think. When the mind is pure, joy follow like shadow that never leaves.”

 Willie Nelson also wrote that

“Once you replace negative thoughts with positive ones, you’ll start having positive results.”

It’s mean that it is a universal truth that “thoughts become reality.”

But when life’s challenges feel like overwhelming to us, when we feel anxiety and depression, we change our materialistic things like going on shopping, hanging out with friends, changing our bedroom setting etc.… while assuming that doing these things will divert our mind from such anxiety and depression.

But instead of altering external factors alter your mind for better outcome.

How do our minds turn ideas into action and shape our lives?

Our beliefs and thoughts can actually shape the physical structure of our brains by creating neural pathways that reinforce our thoughts pattern. Our brains are highly capable of changing throughout our lives this phenomenon is known as Neuroplasticity.

For example, once there was a criminal who made people’s lives difficult but one day he was caught and sentenced to painful death by snake bite. To fulfills this sentence, his captors decided to conduct an experiment on him to see how thoughts manifest into reality. As part of experiment, they blindfolded him with a black cloth and inserted a surgical pin into his leg.  So, for that he continuously thinking that snake bites him and you know what! Just because of his thinking he died. After his death when his post-mortem was done, it was found that his whole body had been poisoned because of poison hormones secreted by his brain.

 Thinking has a relation with our hormones. The Secretion of hormones depends on the type of thinking. For example, if we think that we are beautiful, it can trigger the release of endorphins, also known as ‘feel-good’ hormones, if we think that we are intelligent, it can stimulate the production of neurotransmitters like dopamine, which plays a role in learning and cognitive function.”

Our thoughts can affect our emotions, our emotions can affect our behaviors, our behaviors can affect our actions and then actions shape our reality. 

“Thoughts become perception, perception become reality, alter your thoughts, alter your reality”

___William James___

From a psychological standpoint, the words and thoughts we have can greatly influence our mindset and behavior. This is evident in theories like cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), which posits that changing negative thought patterns can lead to changes in behavior and emotional state. The language we use, both internally and externally, shapes our self-concept and worldview. For example, a person who consistently tells themselves they are incapable may start to believe it, impacting their confidence and actions.

The law of attraction: 

The law of attraction is a philosophy suggesting that positive thoughts bring positive results into a person’s life, while negative thoughts bring negative outcomes. And this law is applies to all area of life including health, finance, relationships etc…. but it’s not magical energy bringing you good fortune, it’s all about psychology and your mindset.

For example: sometimes people’s fallacies convert in reality like they think that when comb is fall down it means that something is going bad, when crow utter continuously it means that some guests are coming and many more…. there fallacies convert in reality just because of law of attraction which states that like attract like and vice versa.      

Why doesn’t positive thinking always work? What are the reasons why our positive thoughts and intensions sometimes don’t lead to the desired outcomes?

I personally experienced that sometimes I think positively but the outcome is not according to my thinking, then I feel more grief and think that all of the concepts about thinking is wrong and next time I don’t try to think positively.

But here are some possible reasons why positive thinking might not work:

Sometimes positive thinking doesn’t work just because of unrealistic expectations, lack of action or efforts, negative self-talking, external circumstances beyond our control, unconscious beliefs, lack of emotional intelligence etc.….

Implanting more positive thoughts and emotions is a key to a shape better reality. This process requires consistent effort and self-reflection. By planting these practices into your daily life, make gradually shift from thoughts to reality.

Remember, the journey towards a positive mindset is ongoing and evolves with your experiences and insights.

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